18-22 September 2017
Integrated ecosystem, catchment, forest management unit (KPH) and “landscape” approaches to addressing competing demands upon natural resources have been attempted by many agencies in Indonesia for several decades. At present there are numerous programs to take landscape approaches to achieving sustainable development goals at sub-national scales. The objective of this meeting is to bring together leaders of landscape and seascape scale initiatives in Indonesia to allow them to compare approaches, problems and achievements. The aim is to develop a set of “best practice” guidelines adapted to the Indonesian situation today.
Malinau is chosen as the location for the meeting as it was the center of an early attempt to take a landscape approach led by CIFOR and FORDA starting in 1995. Significant research activities in the “Bulungan Research Forest” – then became “Malinau Research Forest”, were conducted over a period of 10 years and some activities continue. In 2005 a meeting of many of the CIFOR, FORDA and LIPI researchers active in the area was held in Malinau to review the results of the first decade of activities. A special issue of the journal “Ecology and Society” was published in 2007 containing the papers presented at that workshop.
The papers from the 2005 workshop can be accessed at:
Partners: UI, IPB, LIPI, CIFOR, FORDA, WWF Indonesia, Burung Indonesia, TNC, ZSL, Bappeda, Pemda Malinau, JCU, UBC, Ford Foundation, Tanoto Foundation, etc.