Access our new policy brief on Social Forestry in Maluku here. The Social Forestry program in Maluku is an opportunity to achieve and sustain diverse benefits from forests. Unlike many parts of Indonesia, Maluku retains high levels of forest…

10th-15th June 2022RER Eco-Camp, Kampar Peninsula The 2022 Tanah Air Beta retreat for landscape practitioners in Indonesia was hosted by APRIL at the Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) recently inaugurated Eco-Camp. RER’s Eco-Camp sits inside APRIL’s production forestry concession, adjacent…

LANDSCAPE APPROACH WORKSHOP AMBON and SERAM ISLAND, MALUKU 9-15 December 2019 Background: In December 2019, Tanah Air Beta convened its annual landscape practitioners retreat in Maluku, Indonesia. The retreat involved a one-day seminar at Pattimura University in Ambon, a…

LANDSCAPE APPROACH WORKSHOP PANGKALAN KERINCI, RIAU 21-24 January 2019 Background: In January 2019 Tanah Air Beta convened a meeting for practitioners to reflect and share experiences on implementing the Landscape Approach in Indonesia. The meeting explored different aspects of…

A call for researchers and policymakers to reconnect with the grounded realities of tropical forest conservation Original article by Monica Evans, at CIFOR Forest News. Sitting in a session at the 15th Conference of the Parties for the United Nations Framework…
LANDSCAPE APPROACH WORKSHOP MALINAU, NORTH KALIMANTAN 18-22 September 2017 Background: Integrated ecosystem, catchment, forest management unit (KPH) and “landscape” approaches to addressing competing demands upon natural resources have been attempted by many agencies in Indonesia for several decades. At…